Over the last hundred years, polygraph testing has undergone a significant transformation, evolving from its early analog beginnings to the modern era's sophisticated, software-driven, automated methodologies.
Today's polygraph tests monitor three primary physiological responses: respiratory activity, skin conductance (indicative of sweating), and cardiovascular activity, including heart rate and blood pressure changes.
Converus introduced EyeDetect+®, a groundbreaking advancement in the realm of lie detector testing, that phased out the traditional blood pressure cuff. EyeDetect+® technology enhances a polygraph test by assessing credibility through the analysis of eye movements.
Our Certified EyeDetect+® Administrators Offer an Improved, Enhanced Experience:
Contact Veritas today to experience polygraph service that is streamlined, nonintrusive, bias free, and accurate. We are located in McKinney, Texas.